Author’s Note

Working in the home office.

So with the COVID-19 school shut down, I have the opportunity to play Sims more and write more. However, it isn’t entirely All-Sims-All-the-Time. I am actually working remotely, too.

And BTW, teaching online is HARD! And it doesn’t even count. I have to provide “enrichment” and “connections” but I can’t count any of it. But c’est la vie, eh? Oh, and I get the joy of collaborating via Zoom…which is both awesome and terrible. We haven’t had anyone pee while on a Zoom chat, but it has been funny to see how some of my less tech-savvy colleagues are coping with our new normal.

I teach seniors, so this is what’s on their minds. And they hate it.

Students seem to be willing to engage at least a little in academic opportunities. I’m sure some of them know that none of it counts. I think they just want to feel normal at least a little. I feel sorry for the class of 2020, though. There is a lot about high school they will miss out on. I just hope we can hold a graduation ceremony for them. If we had to do it virtually, how would that look?

Can you picture a graduation of 500+ students as Sheldon bots? LOL

But, that’s not what I wanted to put here as an author’s note. What I really want to put here is that I am planning a vampire story that crosses over from my old Sims 3 DitFT legacy and the Sims 4. I’ve been writing on this idea for a few weeks now. I am by no means done writing and not at all ready to post anything (though I have been playing in Sims 3 a bit to get background…and that’s a completely different adventure!). BUT what I wanted to say in this note is that you could prepare yourself for this story and do a little light Sims reading by checking out my DitFT blog.

There is a tab labeled “Generations” that you should go to with a drop down menu. If you don’t want to really ALL 15 generations (and I don’t blame you!) Start with Generation 7 (the first vampire generation) and then read 8, 9 and 15. Those are the generations that deal with the vampires and characters I plan to cross over into my vampire Sims 4 story.

If you like the writing and want to read more, my personal favorite generations are 3: Charlie Fields, 8: Lila Fields, 9: G.C. Fields, 11: Natasha Fields, and 14: Ares Fields.

BTW, I asked in one of my Sims groups how old a vampire would be if a vampire lived through 8 generations. The general answer was approximately 160-200 years, give or take. What are your thoughts on that? (And yeah, I do know that according to the Sims gods, Sims 4 is supposed to be an alternate timeline…blah…I hate that idea, so in my little universe, it isn’t. So there.)

Happy Simming everyone working from home. I can’t wait to read the resulting Sim Lit!
