Jungle Adventures: Old Friends

Zaiden Bradshaw was getting close to finding the ultimate treasure he was looking for: the famed relics of the ancient Selvadoradans.

For the last few years, he’d been traveling all over the world finding lost items for other people.  Though he himself didn’t profit much from the finds, he did make enough money to finally quit his job as a teacher and focus solely on doing what he loved.  

Treasure hunting was the most thrilling adventure Zaiden could think of. He got to go to exotic locales, visit places most people never got to see, and search for items most people presumed lost to time.  Finding the items was just as adventurous as the travel could be…and often more dangerous. There were usually puzzles to solve, traps to overcome and dangers most people felt were simple myths. There were mummies in the pyramids of Egypt…and not just the ones lying around in the sarcophagi.  There were walking mummies who could and would attack a treasure hunter such as himself. He’d heard that they could curse a person if they touched you.

In China, the ancient temples also had curses, but those didn’t involve walking monsters.  Instead you had to solve magical riddles and avoid cursed traps. In many ways, the Chinese temples were more dangerous.  A mummy could be avoided or outrun, but to get to the real treasures in China, you had to face the traps and defeat them.

Selvadorada’s temples were more like China than Egypt.  But, Zaiden had heard that the dead did walk among them, though he hadn’t actually seen one.  Most of the problems in Selvadorada had to do with poisonous snakes, spiders, and other monsters out in the jungle.  Getting to the temples of Selvadorada could be as dangerous, if not more so, than what one would face once one was inside.

The one aspect of treasure hunting that Zaiden didn’t enjoy was the research he had to do.  It wasn’t like you could go into a pyramid or temple without knowing what you were getting into.  That was just asking to get cursed! No, you had to do your homework.

Zaiden didn’t like it, but he was good at it.  One of his talents was a gift for languages. He grew up in Sulani where he learned both Simlish and Sulanese.  He also studied the ancient Sulanese which the Islanders said was the tongue of the mermaids, a story Zaiden only half believed.  Learning languages was easy, so he learned Chinese and Ancient Chinese writing before traveling to Shang Simla to search out treasure there.  Before going to Egypt, he studied the meaning of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs so that he could better solve the riddles and read the traps inside the pyramids.  And he was quite fluent in both modern and ancient Selvadoradan. This is what made him so good at his job.

But being a genius only got one so far in finding lost items.  If that was all, he could make quite a good name for himself as an archaeologist.  Lord knew there was enough to dig up all over the world! But that wasn’t what drove Zaiden.

He loved the thrill.  He loved pitting himself against the dangers and coming out ahead.  He didn’t care about the money, the history, the fame or anything else that came with being an explorer.  No, what did it for him was the adventure of it all. He’d do everything exactly the same even if he got nothing more out of it.

Well, there was one more thing he loved.  And that’s actually what drove him toward the lost relics of the Selvadoradans.  He loved being first. People had been looking for the relics pretty much since the Ancient Selvadoradan’s buried them in their temples.  No one had ever located them. Zaiden wanted to be the first. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one with that ambition.

Jungle Adventures: Selvadorada Surprise

Well shit.  

She stared at the little white stick in her hand and cursed again.  There were definitely two lines on it. Just like there had been on the other one she’d tossed into the trash and prayed was defective.

It wasn’t.

There was no mistaking the two lines that looked like an equal sign.

Yeah. 1+1=baby.  She was fucking pregnant.

Avirelle paced back and forth in the small bathroom.  What was she going to do? She couldn’t be pregnant! She was just months away from completing her undergrad work and was ready to start on her doctoral degree in archaeology.  It was almost the end of the quarter, and Dr. Clement had just informed her that he wanted her to be his grad assistant.

“What am I going to do now?” She collapsed back on the toilet and put her head in her hands, tears escaping her eyes.

Would she even be able to finish her studies with a baby?  Would Dr. Clement want some pregnant woman as his assistant?  And what about future archaeological digs? How could she travel if she had a baby to think about?

This is all Zaiden’s fault, she thought even though she knew that it wasn’t true.  

The Strangerville Mystery: Gathering Clues


He went back to the top secret lab the next day without Ada.  He justified not asking her to accompany him so that he could go in without his disguise.  He wanted to do some snooping around the facility, look through the discarded papers and hack into the computers for some clues. If he was able to use all of his tools, he thought he might be able to hack into the system that powered the locked door.  If he could bypass the lock without a keycard, that would be ideal. 

Though he didn’t want to admit it, the real reason Zeb went back alone was that he knew he couldn’t let himself get into a relationship with Ada. His desire for the sim girl was extremely inconvenient.  He wasn’t ready to reveal himself to her, and he knew that if he pursued a romantic relationship with her, he would have to. He could hold his sim disguise protocol during normal interactions, but holding while in the throes of passion would be impossible.  No one had that much brain power!

And besides not wanting her to know he was a Sixamian, Zeb really didn’t want to become entangled with Ada emotionally.  He had enjoyed spending time with her. He liked how her mind worked. She approached problems like he did with a scientific logic and a determined curiosity.  Zeb’s usual relationships with females tended to be primarily physical. With Ada, he found himself equally interested in her mind. He could see himself becoming attached to her.  And that would be bad.

Someday, once he had defeated the Stra’Cinortcele mother plant, he knew he’d have to return to Sixam.  It was highly unlikely that he would ever return to this backwater part of the universe and this primitive Sim Earth.  He wasn’t even supposed to be here in the first place. His ship had gone off course (something he and the AI still hadn’t figured out!) and he’d ended up a lot farther from his home than he ever intended to go.  He wanted to go home. No, he needed to go home!

So Zeb forced himself not to seek out Ada.  He forced himself to go to the lab alone. He searched it and hacked the computers and attempted to hack the keycard lock on the door.

Though he wasn’t able to breach the locking mechanism, his search around the facility was a success.  Digging through the abandoned papers and debris, he found evidence of the mother plant’s initial infestation, some notes about the facility’s research done on the plant, a partial memo detailing “strange behavior” and then read about “increased danger” and how the facility had to be shut down to prevent “further harm.”  Over and over, Zeb also noticed one name: Dr. Everett Pries.  

The mysterious doctor seemed to be the head of the facility until he began acting oddly.  Then, one of the documents Zeb found mentioned that he had gone missing. Perhaps, Zeb thought, he needed to find out more about this doctor.  

Would Ada know about him? Just thinking about her, Zeb felt his chest warm and his fingers tingle. Though he knew she shouldn’t, he was inordinately pleased that he now had an excuse to seek her out again.

Welcome to my stories


With this blog, I intend to write single stories for the various scenarios in Sims 4, including things like Strangerville, Sulani, the two Universities, Selvadorado, and a more. Basically, I would like to play those story-lines out and give them a real fleshed-out story.

Each story will be a sexy romance with a happy ending. This blog will contain adult content with sexual situations, nudity, and adult language. It is intended for a mature audience. I use mods that allow full nudity and enhanced sexual interactions. You can find them here, if you are interested. If these things make you uncomfortable, I would not read the stories. Sorry.

Story #1: The Strangerville Mysteries

Something strange is going on in Strangerville.

Meet Zeberon Omega, a sexy blue alien from Sixam who has crash-landed in Strangerville only to find he’s not the only alien in town. And then there’s Ada Adamson, a spunky scientist who has no idea what she will find when sent to Zeb’s crash-site to get some soil and plant samples. How will she handle knowing that aliens not only exist, but they are walking among the innocent townspeople of Strangerville?